Executive Director
Jennifer Ford ✉
Jennifer Ford earned her Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Louisiana State University in Shreveport. Prior to moving to the DFW area, Jennifer advocated for local families through the Northwest Louisiana Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) program. It was working for CASA that allowed her to realize her passion for helping others through the non-profit sector.
Jennifer joined the Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas (DSG) in 2007 as one of the organization's first staff members. Upon moving to Ft. Worth a few years later, Jennifer earned her Texas Educator Certificate and taught elementary special education in Castleberry ISD. While the opportunity to work with children and families within the district was rewarding, Jennifer still had a special connection with the DSG. Returning to the Guild in 2011, Jennifer oversaw multiple aspects of the organization’s endeavors as the Operations Manager before taking the reigns as Executive Director in 2014.
Jennifer has not only been a voice for local families, but she has worked to help the efforts for those with Down syndrome across the globe by serving on the Global Down Syndrome Foundation Membership Advisory Board and committees for the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS), National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC), and Down Syndrome Affiliates in Action (DSAIA). She also holds certifications in both Non-Profit Management and Non-Profit Leadership through CNM Connect and Southern Methodist University.
Director of Development
Hannah Fredette joined the Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas in 2021. Her journey into the disability community began long before her professional career.
Hannah's passion for helping others led her to pursue a degree in special education. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and a Master of Science in Special Education from Oklahoma State University. After graduating, she taught as a secondary resource teacher in Prosper ISD and an elementary resource teacher in Richardson ISD.
Driven by her dedication to making a difference, Hannah immersed herself in volunteer work with organizations like Buddy Up Tennis and Night to Shine, finding her calling in the non-profit sector. Her transition to the Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas allows her to advocate, support, and educate individuals with Down syndrome, their families, and the wider community. Since joining the Guild, Hannah has been instrumental in expanding adult programming, developing our World Down Syndrome Day Classroom Kits, initiating community groups, and much more.
Program Manager
The Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas is now hiring a full time Program Manager. Click here for full details and to apply.
New & Expectant Parent Coordinator
Shannon Beckmann and her husband Bill received their daughter’s Down syndrome diagnosis when Shannon was 18 weeks pregnant. Neither of them knew much about Down syndrome, and most of the information they first found was outdated and inaccurate. They spent the next few months learning as much as they could about how to best prepare for their new daughter. Their daughter, Cate, is now 10 and in the 5th grade. She loves swimming, playing video games, nerf guns, and playing with her big brother, Zachary, who is 14.
After Cate’s birth, they participated in many of the programs sponsored by the Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas – such as Mommy & Me, New Parent Meetings, Spring and Fall Conferences, Cookies with Santa, swim lessons, and their favorite, the Buddy Walk®. They feel that their family greatly benefitted from the support provided by the DSG and the families they met through these programs. When Shannon saw the position for New and Expectant Parent Coordinator, she knew immediately that she wanted to apply. She is very excited to help parents navigate a new diagnosis and provide support and programs to help them thrive. She is also excited to help develop new programs for our babies and young children as well as their families.
Shannon has a Bachelor’s in Fashion Merchandising from the University of North Texas. She worked in the buying offices at Zale, FootAction, and JCPenney before becoming a stay at home mom for a few years.