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Ready, Set, Go! Road to School Readiness Seminar Series

READY, SET, GO! is a 4-part school readiness series for parents of young children with Down syndrome who are transitioning to Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) or Kindergarten. Parents will learn how to navigate the special education process and how to support key skill development for school participation in the least restrictive environment.

1. Tuesday, June 7 | 7-9pm | HANDOUTS | SESSION RECORDING
INTAKE PROCESS: special education process, evaluation, individualized education plans (IEPs), admission review and dismissal (ARD) meetings, advocacy skills.
Led by Ali Ackles M.Ed, Diagnostician and Brooke Trickett, M.S. CCC-SLP - Richardson ISD

2. Tuesday, June 14 | 7-8:30pm | HANDOUTS | SESSION RECORDING
SOCIAL SKILLS & MANAGING CHANGE: behavior management, establishing routines, social
skills, communication strategies
Led by Katrina Pidlaoan, Occupational Therapy Doctoral Capstone Student - UTMB

3. Tuesday, June 21 | 7-8:30pm | HANDOUTS | SESSION RECORDING
SELF-HELP SKILLS: self-care skill development (e.g. grooming and hygiene tasks, brushing teeth,dressing, toileting, feeding, hand hygiene, etc.)
Led by Katrina Pidlaoan, Occupational Therapy Doctoral Capstone Student - UTMB

4. Saturday, June 25 | 10am-Noon | Down Syndrome Guild, 1702 N. Collins Blvd. Suite 170, Richardson, TX 75080
PURPOSEFUL PLAY: Join us for an in-person play date! Bring your little one and play games that encourage fine motor and gross motor skill development (skills they will need in the classroom).
Facilitated by Katrina Pidlaoan, Occupational Therapy Doctoral Capstone Student - UTMB

We highly encourage registrants to attend each session in real time for the most beneficial experience and to interact with other families. However, we know life happens and many often have prior committments. Therefore, all Zoom sessions will be recorded and shared each week allowing you to catch up on sessions you may have missed.

Registration closed Friday, June 3. For additional questions, please contact Katrina Pidlaoan.