Tuesday In Person Book Club
August 1st - September 19th
DSG Office
1702 North Collins Boulevard Suite 170 Richardson, TX 75080
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Cost: $25 per person
Adults will read together, ask questions and learn, all while enjoying social time with friends at the Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas. Participants are also more than welcome to bring their own snack or dinner to enjoy during the first 30 minutes of book club. The group will then alternate reading for the remaining hour and a half. We will be reading Wish by Barbara O’Connor. The Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas will provide participants a copy of the book.
Space is limited and registration is required by Sunday, July 23rd. If you have additional questions or would like to discuss specific accommodations and modifications for this program, please contact Hannah Fredette.
Please only enroll in this program if your adult plans to attend the majority of the 8 weeks.